home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** MUI - MagicUserInterface
- ** (c) 1993 by Stefan Stuntz
- **
- ** Main Header File
- **
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** This file is a modified version of the orginal mui.h file (provided with
- ** MUI v2.2) in order to be used in E programs.
- **
- ** '$VER: mui_e 1.4 (27.08.94)'
- **
- ** August 1994, Lionel Vintenat
- **
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Class Tree
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** rootclass (BOOPSI's base class)
- ** +--Notify (implements notification mechanism)
- ** +--Family (handles multiple children)
- ** ! +--Menustrip (describes a complete menu strip)
- ** ! +--Menu (describes a single menu)
- ** ! \--Menuitem (describes a single menu item)
- ** +--Application (main class for all applications)
- ** +--Window (handles intuition window related topics)
- ** +--Area (base class for all GUI elements)
- ** +--Rectangle (creates (empty) rectangles)
- ** +--Image (creates images)
- ** +--Text (creates some text)
- ** +--String (creates a string gadget)
- ** +--Prop (creates a proportional gadget)
- ** +--Gauge (creates a fule gauge)
- ** +--Scale (creates a percentage scale)
- ** +--Boopsi (interface to BOOPSI gadgets)
- ** +--Colorfield (creates a field with changeable color)
- ** +--List (creates a line-oriented list)
- ** ! +--Floattext (special list with floating text)
- ** ! +--Volumelist (special list with volumes)
- ** ! +--Scrmodelist (special list with screen modes)
- ** ! \--Dirlist (special list with files)
- ** +--Group (groups other GUI elements)
- ** +--Register (handles page groups with titles)
- ** +--Virtgroup (handles virtual groups)
- ** +--Scrollgroup (handles virtual groups with scrollers)
- ** +--Scrollbar (creates a scrollbar)
- ** +--Listview (creates a listview)
- ** +--Radio (creates radio buttons)
- ** +--Cycle (creates cycle gadgets)
- ** +--Slider (creates slider gadgets)
- ** +--Coloradjust (creates some RGB sliders)
- ** +--Palette (creates a complete palette gadget)
- ** +--Colorpanel (creates a panel of colors)
- ** +--Popstring (base class for popups)
- ** +--Popobject(popup a MUI object in a window)
- ** \--Popasl (popup an asl requester)
- **
- ****************************************************************************
- ** General Header File Information
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** All macro and structure definitions follow these rules:
- **
- ** Name Meaning
- **
- ** MUIC_<class> Name of a class
- ** MUIM_<class>_<method> Method
- ** MUIP_<class>_<method> Methods parameter structure
- ** MUIV_<class>_<method>_<x> Special method value
- ** MUIA_<class>_<attrib> Attribute
- ** MUIV_<class>_<attrib>_<x> Special attribute value
- ** MUIE_<error> Error return code from MUI_Error()
- ** MUII_<name> Standard MUI image
- ** MUIX_<code> Control codes for text strings
- ** MUIO_<name> Object type for MUI_MakeObject()
- **
- ** MUIA_... attribute definitions are followed by a comment
- ** consisting of the three possible letters I, S and G.
- ** I: it's possible to specify this attribute at object creation time.
- ** S: it's possible to change this attribute with SetAttrs().
- ** G: it's possible to get this attribute with GetAttr().
- **
- ** Items marked with "Custom Class" are for use in custom classes only!
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- ** Library specification
- ***************************************************************************
- #define MUIMASTER_NAME 'muimaster.library'
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Control codes for text strings
- ****************************************************************************
- #define MUIX_R '\er' -> right justified
- #define MUIX_C '\ec' -> centered
- #define MUIX_L '\el' -> left justified
- #define MUIX_N '\en' -> normal
- #define MUIX_B '\eb' -> bold
- #define MUIX_I '\ei' -> italic
- #define MUIX_U '\eu' -> underlined
- #define MUIX_PT '\e2' -> text pen
- #define MUIX_PH '\e8' -> highlight text pen
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Macro Section
- ** -------------
- **
- ** To make GUI creation more easy and understandable, you can use the
- ** macros below.
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Object Generation
- ** -----------------
- **
- ** The xxxObject (and xChilds) macros generate new instances of MUI classes.
- ** Every xxxObject can be followed by tagitems specifying initial create
- ** time attributes for the new object and must be terminated with the
- ** End macro:
- **
- ** obj = StringObject,
- ** MUIA_String_Contents, "foo",
- ** MUIA_String_MaxLen , 40,
- ** End;
- **
- ** With the Child, SubWindow and WindowContents shortcuts you can
- ** construct a complete GUI within one command:
- **
- ** app = ApplicationObject,
- **
- ** ...
- **
- ** SubWindow, WindowObject,
- ** WindowContents, VGroup,
- ** Child, String("foo",40),
- ** Child, String("bar",50),
- ** Child, HGroup,
- ** Child, CheckMark(TRUE),
- ** Child, CheckMark(FALSE),
- ** End,
- ** End,
- ** End,
- **
- ** SubWindow, WindowObject,
- ** WindowContents, HGroup,
- ** Child, ...,
- ** Child, ...,
- ** End,
- ** End,
- **
- ** ...
- **
- ** End;
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define MenustripObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Menustrip,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define MenuObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Menu,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define MenuObjectT(name) Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Menu,[MUIA_Menu_Title,name
- #define MenuitemObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Menuitem,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define WindowObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Window,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ImageObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Image,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define BitmapObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Bitmap,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define BodychunkObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Bodychunk,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define NotifyObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Notify,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ApplicationObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Application,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define TextObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Text,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define RectangleObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Rectangle,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ListObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_List,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define PropObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Prop,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define StringObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_String,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ScrollbarObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Scrollbar,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ListviewObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Listview,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define RadioObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Radio,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define VolumelistObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Volumelist,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define FloattextObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Floattext,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define DirlistObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Dirlist,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define SliderObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Slider,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define CycleObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Cycle,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define GaugeObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Gauge,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ScaleObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Scale,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define BoopsiObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Boopsi,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ColorfieldObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Colorfield,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ColorpanelObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Colorpanel,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ColoradjustObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Coloradjust,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define PaletteObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Palette,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define GroupObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Group,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define RegisterObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Register,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define VirtgroupObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Virtgroup,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ScrollgroupObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Scrollgroup,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define PopstringObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Popstring,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define PopobjectObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Popobject,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define PoplistObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Poplist,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define PopaslObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Popasl,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define ScrmodelistObject Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Scrmodelist,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define VGroup Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Group,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define HGroup Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Group,[MUIA_Group_Horiz,MUI_TRUE
- #define ColGroup(cols) Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Group,[MUIA_Group_Columns,(cols)
- #define RowGroup(rows) Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Group,[MUIA_Group_Rows ,(rows)
- #define PageGroup Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Group,[MUIA_Group_PageMode,MUI_TRUE
- #define VGroupV Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Virtgroup,[TAG_IGNORE,0
- #define HGroupV Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Virtgroup,[MUIA_Group_Horiz,MUI_TRUE
- #define ColGroupV(cols) Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Virtgroup,[MUIA_Group_Columns,(cols)
- #define RowGroupV(rows) Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Virtgroup,[MUIA_Group_Rows ,(rows)
- #define PageGroupV Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Virtgroup,[MUIA_Group_PageMode,MUI_TRUE
- #define RegisterGroup(t) Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Register,[MUIA_Register_Titles,(t)
- #define End TAG_DONE])
- #define Child MUIA_Group_Child
- #define SubWindow MUIA_Application_Window
- #define WindowContents MUIA_Window_RootObject
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Frame Types
- ** -----------
- **
- ** These macros may be used to specify one of MUI's different frame types.
- ** Note that every macro consists of one { ti_Tag, ti_Data } pair.
- **
- ** GroupFrameT() is a special kind of frame that contains a centered
- ** title text.
- **
- ** HGroup, GroupFrameT("Horiz Groups"),
- ** Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame , End,
- ** Child, RectangleObject, StringFrame, End,
- ** Child, RectangleObject, ButtonFrame, End,
- ** Child, RectangleObject, ListFrame , End,
- ** End,
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define NoFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None
- #define ButtonFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Button
- #define ImageButtonFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_ImageButton
- #define TextFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Text
- #define StringFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_String
- #define ReadListFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_ReadList
- #define InputListFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_InputList
- #define PropFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Prop
- #define SliderFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Slider
- #define GaugeFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Gauge
- #define VirtualFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Virtual
- #define GroupFrame MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Group
- #define GroupFrameT(s) MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_Group, MUIA_FrameTitle, s
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Spacing Macros
- ** --------------
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define HVSpace Mui_NewObjectA(MUIC_Rectangle,[TAG_DONE])
- #define HSpace(x) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_HSpace,[x])
- #define VSpace(x) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_VSpace,[x])
- #define HCenter(obj) (HGroup, GroupSpacing(0), Child, HSpace(0), Child, (obj), Child, HSpace(0), End)
- #define VCenter(obj) (VGroup, GroupSpacing(0), Child, VSpace(0), Child, (obj), Child, VSpace(0), End)
- #define InnerSpacing(h,v) MUIA_InnerLeft,(h),MUIA_InnerRight,(h),MUIA_InnerTop,(v),MUIA_InnerBottom,(v)
- #define GroupSpacing(x) MUIA_Group_Spacing,x
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** String-Object
- ** -------------
- **
- ** The following macro creates a simple string gadget.
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!! Be careful, I renamed String macro to StringMUI, to avoid conflicts with E String() function !!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #define StringMUI(contents,maxlen)\
- StringObject,\
- StringFrame,\
- MUIA_String_MaxLen , maxlen,\
- MUIA_String_Contents, contents,\
- End
- #define KeyString(contents,maxlen,controlchar)\
- StringObject,\
- StringFrame,\
- MUIA_ControlChar , controlchar,\
- MUIA_String_MaxLen , maxlen,\
- MUIA_String_Contents, contents,\
- End
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** CheckMark-Object
- ** ----------------
- **
- ** The following macro creates a checkmark gadget.
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define CheckMark(selected)\
- ImageObject,\
- ImageButtonFrame,\
- MUIA_InputMode , MUIV_InputMode_Toggle,\
- MUIA_Image_Spec , MUII_CheckMark,\
- MUIA_Image_FreeVert, MUI_TRUE,\
- MUIA_Selected , selected,\
- MUIA_Background , MUII_ButtonBack,\
- MUIA_ShowSelState , FALSE,\
- End
- #define KeyCheckMark(selected,control)\
- ImageObject,\
- ImageButtonFrame,\
- MUIA_InputMode , MUIV_InputMode_Toggle,\
- MUIA_Image_Spec , MUII_CheckMark,\
- MUIA_Image_FreeVert, MUI_TRUE,\
- MUIA_Selected , selected,\
- MUIA_Background , MUII_ButtonBack,\
- MUIA_ShowSelState , FALSE,\
- MUIA_ControlChar , control,\
- End
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Button-Objects
- ** --------------
- **
- ** Note: Use small letters for KeyButtons, e.g.
- ** KeyButton("Cancel",'c') and not KeyButton("Cancel",'C') !!
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define SimpleButton(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Button,[label])
- #define KeyButton(name,key)\
- TextObject,\
- ButtonFrame,\
- MUIA_Text_Contents, name,\
- MUIA_Text_PreParse, '\ec',\
- MUIA_Text_HiChar , key,\
- MUIA_ControlChar , key,\
- MUIA_InputMode , MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify,\
- MUIA_Background , MUII_ButtonBack,\
- End
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Cycle-Object
- ** ------------
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define Cycle(entries) CycleObject, MUIA_Cycle_Entries, entries, End
- #define KeyCycle(entries,key) CycleObject, MUIA_Cycle_Entries, entries, MUIA_ControlChar, key, End
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Radio-Object
- ** ------------
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define Radio(name,array)\
- RadioObject,\
- GroupFrameT(name),\
- MUIA_Radio_Entries,array,\
- End
- #define KeyRadio(name,array,key)\
- RadioObject,\
- GroupFrameT(name),\
- MUIA_Radio_Entries,array,\
- MUIA_ControlChar, key,\
- End
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Slider-Object
- ** -------------
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define Slider(min,max,level)\
- SliderObject,\
- MUIA_Slider_Min , min,\
- MUIA_Slider_Max , max,\
- MUIA_Slider_Level, level,\
- End
- #define KeySlider(min,max,level,key)\
- SliderObject,\
- MUIA_Slider_Min , min,\
- MUIA_Slider_Max , max,\
- MUIA_Slider_Level, level,\
- MUIA_ControlChar , key,\
- End
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** Button to be used for popup objects
- **
- ****************************************************************************
- #define PopButton(img) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_PopButton,[img])
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Labeling Objects
- ** ----------------
- **
- ** Labeling objects, e.g. a group of string gadgets,
- **
- ** Small: |foo |
- ** Normal: |bar |
- ** Big: |foobar|
- ** Huge: |barfoo|
- **
- ** is done using a 2 column group:
- **
- ** ColGroup(2),
- ** Child, Label2("Small:" ),
- ** Child, StringObject, End,
- ** Child, Label2("Normal:"),
- ** Child, StringObject, End,
- ** Child, Label2("Big:" ),
- ** Child, StringObject, End,
- ** Child, Label2("Huge:" ),
- ** Child, StringObject, End,
- ** End,
- **
- ** Note that we have three versions of the label macro, depending on
- ** the frame type of the right hand object:
- **
- ** Label1(): For use with standard frames (e.g. checkmarks).
- ** Label2(): For use with double high frames (e.g. string gadgets).
- ** Label() : For use with objects without a frame.
- **
- ** These macros ensure that your label will look fine even if the
- ** user of your application configured some strange spacing values.
- ** If you want to use your own labeling, you'll have to pay attention
- ** on this topic yourself.
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define Label(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,0])
- #define Label1(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,MUIO_Label_SingleFrame])
- #define Label2(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame])
- #define LLabel(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,MUIO_Label_LeftAligned])
- #define LLabel1(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,MUIO_Label_LeftAligned OR MUIO_Label_SingleFrame])
- #define LLabel2(label) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,MUIO_Label_LeftAligned OR MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame])
- #define KeyLabel(label,key) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,key])
- #define KeyLabel1(label,key) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,Or(MUIO_Label_SingleFrame,key)])
- #define KeyLabel2(label,key) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,Or(MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame,key)])
- #define KeyLLabel(label,key) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,Or(MUIO_Label_LeftAligned,key)])
- #define KeyLLabel1(label,key) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,Or(MUIO_Label_LeftAligned OR MUIO_Label_SingleFrame,key)])
- #define KeyLLabel2(label,key) Mui_MakeObjectA(MUIO_Label,[label,Or(MUIO_Label_LeftAligned OR MUIO_Label_DoubleFrame,key)])
- ***************************************************************************
- **
- ** Controlling Objects
- ** -------------------
- **
- ** set() and get() are two short stubs for BOOPSI GetAttr() and SetAttrs()
- ** calls:
- **
- ** {
- ** char *x;
- **
- ** set(obj,MUIA_String_Contents,"foobar");
- ** get(obj,MUIA_String_Contents,&x);
- **
- ** printf("gadget contains '%s'\n",x);
- ** }
- **
- ***************************************************************************
- #define get(obj,attr,store) GetAttr(attr,obj,store)
- #define set(obj,attr,value) SetAttrsA(obj,[obj-obj+(attr),value,TAG_DONE])
- #define nnset(obj,attr,value) SetAttrsA(obj,[MUIA_NoNotify,MUI_TRUE,obj-obj+(attr),value,TAG_DONE])
- #define setmutex(obj,n) set(obj,MUIA_Radio_Active,n)
- #define setcycle(obj,n) set(obj,MUIA_Cycle_Active,n)
- #define setstring(obj,s) set(obj,MUIA_String_Contents,s)
- #define setcheckmark(obj,b) set(obj,MUIA_Selected,b)
- #define setslider(obj,l) set(obj,MUIA_Slider_Level,l)
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** For Boopsi Image Implementors Only:
- **
- ** If MUI is using a boopsi image object, it will send a special method
- ** immediately after object creation. This method has a parameter structure
- ** where the boopsi can fill in its minimum and maximum size and learn if
- ** its used in a horizontal or vertical context.
- **
- ** The boopsi image must use the method id (MUIM_BoopsiQuery) as return
- ** value. That's how MUI sees that the method is implemented.
- **
- ** Note: MUI does not depend on this method. If the boopsi image doesn't
- ** implement it, minimum size will be 0 and maximum size unlimited.
- **
- ****************************************************************************
- #define MUIP_BoopsiQuery MUI_BoopsiQuery -> old structure name
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Macros to hide object names **
- ****************************************************************************
- #define MUIC_Notify 'Notify.mui'
- #define MUIC_Family 'Family.mui'
- #define MUIC_Menustrip 'Menustrip.mui'
- #define MUIC_Menu 'Menu.mui'
- #define MUIC_Menuitem 'Menuitem.mui'
- #define MUIC_Application 'Application.mui'
- #define MUIC_Window 'Window.mui'
- #define MUIC_Area 'Area.mui'
- #define MUIC_Rectangle 'Rectangle.mui'
- #define MUIC_Image 'Image.mui'
- #define MUIC_Bitmap 'Bitmap.mui'
- #define MUIC_Bodychunk 'Bodychunk.mui'
- #define MUIC_Text 'Text.mui'
- #define MUIC_String 'String.mui'
- #define MUIC_Prop 'Prop.mui'
- #define MUIC_Gauge 'Gauge.mui'
- #define MUIC_Scale 'Scale.mui'
- #define MUIC_Boopsi 'Boopsi.mui'
- #define MUIC_Colorfield 'Colorfield.mui'
- #define MUIC_List 'List.mui'
- #define MUIC_Floattext 'Floattext.mui'
- #define MUIC_Volumelist 'Volumelist.mui'
- #define MUIC_Scrmodelist 'Scrmodelist.mui'
- #define MUIC_Dirlist 'Dirlist.mui'
- #define MUIC_Group 'Group.mui'
- #define MUIC_Register 'Register.mui'
- #define MUIC_Virtgroup 'Virtgroup.mui'
- #define MUIC_Scrollgroup 'Scrollgroup.mui'
- #define MUIC_Scrollbar 'Scrollbar.mui'
- #define MUIC_Listview 'Listview.mui'
- #define MUIC_Radio 'Radio.mui'
- #define MUIC_Cycle 'Cycle.mui'
- #define MUIC_Slider 'Slider.mui'
- #define MUIC_Coloradjust 'Coloradjust.mui'
- #define MUIC_Palette 'Palette.mui'
- #define MUIC_Colorpanel 'Colorpanel.mui'
- #define MUIC_Popstring 'Popstring.mui'
- #define MUIC_Popobject 'Popobject.mui'
- #define MUIC_Poplist 'Poplist.mui'
- #define MUIC_Popasl 'Popasl.mui'
- ****************************************************************************
- ** Window **
- ****************************************************************************
- #define MUIV_Window_AltHeight_MinMax(p) (0-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_AltHeight_Visible(p) (-100-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_AltHeight_Screen(p) (-200-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_Delta(p) (-3-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_AltWidth_MinMax(p) (0-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_AltWidth_Visible(p) (-100-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_AltWidth_Screen(p) (-200-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_Height_MinMax(p) (0-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_Height_Visible(p) (-100-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_Height_Screen(p) (-200-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_TopEdge_Delta(p) (-3-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_Width_MinMax(p) (0-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_Width_Visible(p) (-100-(p))
- #define MUIV_Window_Width_Screen(p) (-200-(p))